Groin surgery for Naitanui

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 21 November 2012 | 16.18

Crows to keep draft plan simple

Groin surgery will force Eagles ruckman Nic Naitanui to start his pre-season campaign late. Picture: Justin Benson-cooper. Source: PerthNow

RUCKMAN Nic Naitanui will miss the start of West Coast's pre-season campaign after requiring groin surgery.

The All-Australian is set to go under the knife next week after failing to recover from the nagging injury that affected the back-end of his 2012 season.

The club had hoped Naitanui would be ready to resume full training this week after returning from an off-season trip to the United States.

But football operations manager Neale Daniher said the 22-year-old remained in some discomfort and surgery was the best option.

"Nic was managed in the latter stages of the 2012 season and, based on medical advice, we were hopeful that with a good rest period he would avoid the necessity for surgery," he said.

"Because Nic was still sore after a lengthy period of rest, we booked an appointment for him to meet with a specialist today. As a result of that consultation, Nic will have surgery next week.

"We expect Nic to begin running early in the New Year and progress his recovery to be ready for the start of the season."

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