Eagle handed nightclub ban

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 30 November 2012 | 16.18

FACING CHARGES: Eagle Murray Newman has been handed a nightclub ban following a grievous bodily harm charge. Picture: Faith Moran Source: PerthNow

YOUNG West Coast forward Murray Newman has been barred from entering any nightclub as part of renewed bail conditions granted during a court appearance on a grievous bodily harm charge.

Newman, 18, was charged after an incident earlier this month at the Library Nightclub in Northbridge which allegedly left a man with facial injuries so severe he needed surgery.

At Newman's first appearance in Perth Magistrates Court, lawyer Terry Dobson said he was not ready to enter a plea, as they were waiting on a report from Royal Perth Hospital detailing the alleged victim's injuries.

David Grace QC will make submissions on behalf of Newman at his next appearance.

Newman's bail was renewed, but with an alteration requested by West Coast chief executive Trevor Nisbett that Newman be allowed on licensed premises for AFL club business only.

He will not be allowed into any nightclub, and not allowed on any licensed premises after 11.30pm.

Newman also posted $10,000 bail with a $10,000 surety, and vowed not to contact or go within 50m of the alleged victim.

He will appear in court again in January.

The Eagles said at the time they were "bitterly disappointed" with Newman, who played four games in his debut season for the club, kicking three goals.

His off-season has not improved since being arrested and charged, being beaten by 44-year old John Worsfold in two 2km time-trials in the days after his arrest.

Worsfold later said the club was fully supporting Newman.

"He's not out there on his own. We're all supporting him and making sure we can help him through it all," he said.

"Obviously his future, in terms of his life, hinges on the outcome of this case and football's a small part of it."

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